footprints in the snow
Isabel's piano Festival was on Saturday. Thankfully the stomping in the snow softened to gentle footprints and was awarded a "Superior" rating (top honors). It's easily my favorite piano piece she's done.
Beautiful work Isabel!
stomping in the snow
Isabel's been preparing for the MFMC festival which is next weekend. She's to play a beautiful piece of music called "Footprints in the Snow" by Jennifer Linn. Problem is with just a week left to prepare, I'm now calling it "Stomping in the Snow" by Huffbreath Hissyfit. ;-)
just kidding ~ sort of. She'll do great. She's a natural, just doesn't know it.
cold science
a chilly -18°F this morning. Perfect weather for a little cold science...
Water does this for a few reasons, some of which a little complicated.
Certainly some of the effect is due to the fact that the now tiny droplets of boiling water spread out and will freeze much faster than if they remained in the container. But there’s another effect going on that's referred to as the Mpemba effect. It has to do with hot water freezing faster than cold water due to evaporation rates. And if you really want to know, due to the effect heat has on the length of H2O's hydrogen and covenant bonds....
another dud
This was the first concept. The scale of things didn't work out the way I wanted and the dogs were a nightmare to get sitting by the fire.
I've got another idea in the works - fingers crossed.
thank you
Much to be thankful for today... Grandparents that drive half way across the state for Isabel's piano recital. A piano teacher who takes great pride in her students, and a smart kid who makes learning piano look easy.
Thank You!
and great job Isabel ~ ribbon/certificate was for earning top honors on the Minnesota Music Teachers Assoc. piano exam.
high distinction
Isabel passed her piano exam last weekend with "high distinction", scoring 90/99. In addition to sight-reading and scales, she prepared three pieces to play, one of which was "The Prowling Pussy Cat".
Great job Isabel!
Grace has lived on smoothies, apple sauce and acetaminophen since her brace installation. Ouch!
prowling pussycat
Isabel's new piano piece, the "Prowling Pussycat", arrives just time for Halloween.
who's at the door?
Peripheral vision is exceeding good at identifying movement. Which becomes exceeding annoying when you keep thinking someone's at the door.