
shaking my head... all other comments would get me in trouble.


all time fav

Someone asked me recently what my all time favorite photo was...  I still think this shot from February, 2009 is it.  Isabel reading books with Theo. Simply walked in, saw it and shot it. Nothing staged, just Isabel being Isabel.

Love it :-)

happy birthday Grace

A New Year's girl turns 10.

digital cookie

Two of Isabel's favorite things: designing cookies on an app called "Cookie Doodle", and candy canes.

backyard bird

Not exactly a family photo, but given this Barred Owl showed up in our backyard for dinner, I thought he could make a guest appearance on the f/2 Sisters.

happy halloween!

From Miss Longstocking and the Candy Fairy :-)


Grace in full costume for a Friday night Halloween party.

bus stop balance

The curb serves as a bus stop balance beam, and as a brief distraction from a chilly morning........"Daaad, I'm cold".

days gone by

A shot from our late August canoe trip looks particularly nice as nighttime temps slide toward the 30° mark.


Bus stop bound under fall's fleeting colors.


Isabel tries to brush up before piano lessons start for the semester.

kool kicks

Love this shot... It's an old photo (last year) of Isabel and her new kicks. I posted it as I went looking for this photo again...  Despite backing up my photos in several places, I somehow deleted (my fault) the original file, and all that remains is a low resolution version I emailed at one point :-(

To keep my photos safe I have a working copy, a back up on a local hard drive, and an offsite backup via a service called CrashPlan.  Rather than go into detail, check out this article describing a very similar strategy.

A backup plan like this guarantees your photos will be safe... unless you drag them into the trash, as I did.


Isabel mesmerized by the beauty of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area.... or more likely hungry and a little pouty that dinners not ready yet.  Either way, I love what the 24mm lens does to otherwise ordinary scenes.


Beneath towering pines and the stars of an endless sky, tiny we are.


Not my favorite photo (the lighting seems distracting), but the hike, scramble and bushwhack it took to reach this spot overlooking Vernon lake in the BWCA, was definitely a favorite.

bonjour butterfly

A finger wet with kool-aide keeps the White Admiral  content while Grace takes a closer look.


It's started already... Setting alarm clocks, packing lunches, going to bed early and listening to dad's hurry up chant.  Today was the first day of school, and the last day of our easy living summer.

head first

Two years in training, Isabel does her first header into Grandma's pool.

fever reducer

When mommy is away and you're not feeling well, sometimes a hug is the best medicine.

let the games begin

Isabel wins the gold in the uneven bar (singular, it's not level), with Grace and Clarke taking silver and bronze.

Go world!


watch dog

This is about as ferocious as Mr. Clarke gets.

swept away

On our walk in the woods today we found yet another bridge swept away by the flood waters of last week. A slippery, half rotten log spanning a swampy area in our backwoods.  Don't think the repair crews will make it out there this week - probably a DIY job.


Isabel dipping a toe into icy Lake Superior.


Got the dog and kids in the woods today. Sun, 70 and no bugs, couldn't be better.  Photo was taken with the Ray Flash - a ring light adapter than transforms your on camera flash into a super cool looking ring light.

last stop

It's the last day of 1st and 3rd grade, the last day of packing school lunch, setting alarm clocks, and the morning hustle to get out the door. It's the last stop of the school year.


This shot was taken back in 2008, but today, we finally signed the girls up for piano lessons :-)