parental supervision
While retro, cassette decks are anything but cool, and even less useful, so for Grace's 16th birthday we got her a new car stereo. I finished up the install this weekend, but not before I added a custom background. She'll be a driver soon, but now, never without parental supervision ;-)
Happy Birthday Grace!
online shopper
Grandma and Grandpa left some money under the tree that's burnin' a hole in Isabel's pocket.
Christmas camp cake
The Camp Cake grocery list included 4 pounds a butter, 10 pounds a sugar and boxes of fondant... but a couple of days later we had this!
- Chocolate stocking cap cake with vanilla frosting and red fondant outer
- Mitten sugar cookies
- Chocolate covered rice crispy ornaments with a Lindt chocolate truffle centers
where is my mind
In Grandma Louise's case, it can be found at the Mayo. For several years she's been having gait disturbances associated with normal pressure hydrocephalus, and this morning, she underwent an endoscopic third ventriculostomy, that will hopefully improve her mobility.
I've been working on a piano arrangement of the old punk rock song, "Where is my Mind" by the Pixies, and thought I'd make an apropos get well card.
Get well soon Grandma!
movie night
Mom's in Monterey running the 1/2 marathon, Grace at the school dance, so Isabel and I ate pizza, pretzels, peanut butter cups and watched Incredibles 2.
Ya, that's our basement... Got carried away building the family home theater. You can read the details here, but basically I spent a couple of years worth or spare time conceiving and constructing.
back to school
Summers over :( Went school shopping at the Mall of America :) Always a smile and a frown for back to school :(:
ps. the high schooler left early with friends and missed bus stop video portrait.
no service
The BWCA is maybe a 125 miles from home, but with few people and no cell service, it sometimes feels like another planet... A planet that when shared with family and friends, I was reluctant to leave.
camp cake
Camp Cake 2018 was a sweet success, but it took several pounds of butter, a bucket of sugar, and two pretty long days in the kitchen.
nos despedimos
It's been two years, but the day she arrived it was like she never left. She's different but the same. Hums constantly, smiles often, and drapes an arm around Isabel like a sister. She likes my cooking (as long as it chicken) and just can't get enough macaroni and cheese. Sadly, she leaves tomorrow, but were already talking about the Marshiks in Mallorca.
Until we meet again♥
Han pasado dos años, pero el día que llegó fue como si nunca se hubiera ido. Ella es diferente pero igual. Chilla constantemente, sonríe a menudo y rodea a Isabel con un brazo como una hermana. A ella le gusta mi cocina (siempre que sea pollo) y simplemente no puede obtener suficientes macarrones con queso. Lamentablemente, ella se va mañana, pero ya estaban hablando de los Marshiks en Mallorca.
Hasta que nos volvamos a encontrar ♥