simple ~ beautiful

A recent post on the Strobist got me thinking about my little used and  long forgotten reflector.  It's simple, inexpensive, and in some situations, makes for some beautiful light.

kool kicks

Love this shot... It's an old photo (last year) of Isabel and her new kicks. I posted it as I went looking for this photo again...  Despite backing up my photos in several places, I somehow deleted (my fault) the original file, and all that remains is a low resolution version I emailed at one point :-(

To keep my photos safe I have a working copy, a back up on a local hard drive, and an offsite backup via a service called CrashPlan.  Rather than go into detail, check out this article describing a very similar strategy.

A backup plan like this guarantees your photos will be safe... unless you drag them into the trash, as I did.