The Honors Banquet is for the students. A night to recognize their hard work, dedication and academic excellence. A night of awards, scholarships and applause... but somehow it's me that's going home with the grand prize. I'm the one with a daughter that makes me so proud my eyes water. I'm the one who will remember tonight for all nights.
Congratulations Isabel 🥹
senior photos
Wind, seagull filled skies and a poison ivy patch threatened to ruin Isabel's senior photo shoot. Thankfully the weather turned, the seagulls scattered and a rubbing alcohol bath kept me itch free.
happy birthday
17 is a bit awkward so far... Dad's got COVID, Mom's gone, helping out in Motley, Grace is in Switzerland and Isabel started her birthday with the 4 hour ACT test. Despite the rough start, her friends help her rally with a deli lunch, fancy Italian dinner, flowers and lots of laughs around an ice cream cake in the kitchen. 🥳
Happy Birthday Isabel!
ps. That’s her friend Rachel in the window.
smile's back
Grace got her wisdom teeth out last week and recovery was a little rough. Smiles were few and far between for a few days, but thankfully, it's looking like her smile will make a full recovery. ?
honors night
never smiled as deep, proud
shiver to think of setting you free
but there you are, agleam in a crowd
Oh the things you'll see?
prom... sort of
Dresses, dinner, friends and fun, but COVID cancelled the formal dance.
ps. Mattie is his name #friend
Live music from a canoe on the the greatest lake. Only in Duluth. Glensheen Pier with 4on the Floor.
season finale
It's Isabel's season finale of middle school today, and already she looking a bit like her next role... a cute and clever high schooler.