madeline island
Had a Superior Hiking Trail hike/camp planned out for this weekend, but a bunch of armed men in orange scared us off. Ended up in Wisconsin where deer opener doesn't happen for another week. Rode the ferry out to Madeline Island with our bikes and make the 6 mile ride to Big Bay State Park and camped for the night. A little chilly, but we literally had the place to ourselves.
great white
I've talked about photographing polar bears with my photo buddy Sparky, and my father in-law Loren on multiple occasions. Due to logistics and expense it was a pipe dream type trip I assumed would remain as such until I tracked down that winning lotto ticket. Well, in early 2012, Loren says to me, "you set up a trip, and I take care of the rest". So I did, and he did...
We flew out of Winnipeg for Churchill, Manitoba four years ago this week. Those were pre website days, and while I shared the photos in a book with Loren and others, I've never shared them online. The photos were taken over 4 short but amazing days with the great white bears of Hudson Bay.
spirit week
It's spirit week at Ordean Middle School. Today was dress up as your favorite state day... Can you guess?
ps. other than changing a razor blade out, I played no part in construction.
daylight savings
A Native American's take on the issue:
"Only the government would believe that you could cut a foot of the top of a blanket, sew it to the bottom, and have a longer blanket."
I agree, but make sure you vote for someone on Tuesday.
Middle school starts on Tuesday and Isabel is EXCITED. There's a reminder chart in the mud room, it's got magnetic tape above and below the fold. Fold up each item up as you pack it and never forget anything for school ~ pretty clever. Then there's the locker... She's spent hours planning and making thinks to decorate it with. We stopped her when she asked for wallpaper.
slim lake
This year our annual adventure beyond the cell towers and constraints of our every day, brought us to Slim Lake. Joined by Grace's friend Geneva and her mom Carol, we spent five mosquito free days (seriously!) in the BWCA.
Perfect it was (except for my poison ivy legs that is :cry: )
happy birthday!
Not till, Thursday, but our canoe sets off in the BWCA tomorrow so we celebrated tonight... As you can see, Isabel spent the afternoon in the kitchen.
~She stuck toothpicks in a foam ball set in a glass cup, then stuck the cupcakes on the toothpicks and added some plastic flowers.