You've likely heard it takes 10,000 hours of practice to achieve mastery in a field. Well, I know this welder guy who put his 10,000 hours in like 40 years ago... and he's still welding. So if you're a master after 10,000, what are you after 100,000?
Ya see, I often come up with crazy projects that are a little out of my reach. This bench being the latest example. While I have some crude woodworking skills, my only welding skill is knowing who to call for help. So I called this guy, sent some sketches, measurements and so on... a few weeks later I had my frame. Welded in a little garage, with poor equipment by a guy with 100,000 hours of experience. The result is simply stunning.
When it comes to metal, my dad is simply genius.
back to school
Yes, already... exciting, depressing, but they are cute.
ps. check out those mother approved kicks on Isabel ;-)
day trippin'
Wednesday was a day trip over a short portage and a couple miles of water to Gordon lake. Sightseeing and a swim filled the near perfect afternoon.
For our family, summers end is usually highlighted by a late August BWCA trip. This year was no different, we paddled nearly 10 miles, portaged 350 rods (a bit over a mile), and slathered on two bottle of bug dope over 5 days. The note we found on our final portage however, was something new...
Our friends Doug, Emily and their two boyz Gabe and Eli had set out two days prior with plans to rendezvous with us in the heart of the BWCA. With the help of a rather impressive map, we shared two near perfect summer days swimming, and sunning on one of Cherokee lake's 5 star campsites.
happy birthday ben
ps. Grace was a bit tongue-tied tonight... It took her three takes to get her lines right; the "I got it!" at the end is in celebration :-)
opening act

Opening act
The whole family spent Sunday night at the Weesner Family Amphitheater of the Minnesota zoo. The zoo served as an afternoon opener to the John Butler Trio, an Australian Jam band led by guitar wizard John Butler. This track, “Ocean” caught my ear a couple of years ago… been a fan ever since.
The “Live at Red Rocks” DVD trailer gives you a pretty good idea of what went on Sunday night, which Miss Grace described as “Super Fun”. Take that Justin Beiber 🙂
Grace is now a waterskier. With a clever idea I got from a waterski coach's web post, She made it on I think the third try. The trick is that she didn't get up, she started up. Basically I'm holding onto the boat end of the rope, Grace has her ski tips on the rear swim platform, and as Mom slowly increases the boat speed, I simply let out line. Done right, she doesn't even get wet. Fun stuff.
ps. This can only be safely done behind a inboard (MasterCraft/Ski Nautique type boat), where the propeller is well under the rear of the boat.
schools out!
That's it, today marks the end of chapters 2 and 4 in the elementary school books, and the beginning of a pleasantly pedestrian pace to daily life.
caroline's closet ~ 2
Once again, Caroline cleaned out her closet. She happens to be thin like Grace, a bit taller, and according to Grace, "has lots of cool clothes". What's even cooler, is that her too small stuff, is just right for Miss Grace.
Multiplying and dividing already, Isabel puts the wraps on 2nd grade homework. My how time flies.
fishing for my girls...
No license, no bait, lure, hook or otherwise. Just a plastic fish tied to the end of the line. One cast, one fish... Doesn't get much better than that.