A mother father duet of escalating reminders is generally required for Isabel to accomplish most tasks she deems not fun. So we had a little chat last night about a 10 year old's responsibilities. She responded with a mostly silent "huff breath", but about an hour later I found this...
Hopefully it's a sign.
Middle school comes to a close in a couple of weeks, and tonight we celebrated some of Edison's brightest at the annual Honor's Banquet. Among the 150 6th graders, Grace was one of just 7 kids to earn a 4.0 grade point average. With her smarts, discipline and dedication, I keep telling her...
"Oh, the places
you'll go"
Dr. Seuss
way easier
Been working on this for weeks... When I realized that a counterweight would make pulling the front wheel up way easier. The bags of dog food in the back helped a little, the steel barbell was better but kept falling off. Then Isabel showed up. With her back there the big bike wheelie is a snap.
ps. ;-)
terrible, horrible, no good...
Nikon D3, ISO 800, Nikon 85mm f/1.4, 1/2500 sec @ f/1.4, +1 EV
Grace is at a hotel/water park birthday party sleepover. Isabel's home, feeling left out, and she lost her boots, bumped her chin, bit her lip, and is having a terrible, horrible no good very bad night.... So we went for a walk. A stick put a brief skip in her step, but didn't turn the frown upside down.
Lots to celebrate lately. Just spent a week with the whole family on a tiny tropical paradise snorkeling, sunning and SCUBA diving. Despite a bit of anxiety, Grace completed her SCUBA certification while we were there.
Twelve hours of online training, two afternoons of pool training before we left, and four fairly intensive open water dives in the ocean later, she's a certified SCUBA diver. Not easy ~ especially when your 12.
The kids missed a weeks worth of school for the trip. Grace's science teacher made her a deal... Present her SCUBA experience to the class in exchange an exemption on a weeks worth of homework. She helped me put the above video together for tomorrow's science class.
more Cayman fun to come...
continuing education
Grace was doing her Google drive math homework when she asked for some help...
Write an expression to show the following:
"If there are 100 bacteria in a petri dish, and they multiply doubling every hour, how many bacteria will there be after 7 hours?"
100 (27) = 12,800
Unless I audit some math classes over the summer, my role as math tutor looks to be on shaky ground.
move up meet
Starting with a 7.6 on vault, Grace had to play catch up to get a move up score of 31. A solid beam, bar and floor exercises gave her a 33.1. Moving up to level 5 she is.
dog sitting
Briggs, a Golden-Doddle is spending her spring break with the boyz. Samson loves his fluffy little playmate. Clarke on the other hand is probably growling on about how good he had it, "back in the day when I was an only dog."
For every minute of piano practice, I spend two getting her there. "Maybe if we moved the piano out of the basement, she'd have more fun playing," we thought... We not only moved it, thanks to, we upgraded to this beauty. It's nearly as old as I, but a recent overhaul has it looking and sounding absolutely amazing.
It's Friday night, Mom's running Isabel from volleyball to piano to volleyball (don't ask), and Grace is home with nowhere to be and nothing to do. Unlike her Dad, who's eating chips in front of a mindless good cop, bad cop movie, she's catching up on practice minutes from Wednesday night when she presented her second place science fair project.
Should have opted for a documentary... Guilty