cross fitter

Grace gettin' fit

moms day

spent it sharing lots of laughs, good food and a chilly walk in the woods.

Happy Mother's Day!

math or art

“Isabel, is the math or art homework?”...  yes


yep, he's big.

drivers ed

learning to drive under COVID.

upside down

the world is...

Grace working on her Yoda skills ;-)


Distant, but timely learning..


Grace on the left, Isabel the right.


Isabel turns 15 today.  We had a cinnamon roll, sausage, scrambled, buttery breakfast potato breakfast. She opened gifts, and we have a white napkin Italian dinner planned.  Lots to be happy about, but when you're 15, and COVID is snowing on your party (snowed 6" last night), it feels more like this...

Happy Birthday Isabel

now go wash your hands ;-)


Chilly today, but the spring sun and furry friends seem to shorten the distance to other important things.


Crossfit, yoga, running, fit girl training, and that's just last week.


smart lights. smarter kid.

bridge building

It has to span 21 inches, weigh no more than 3 oz. and be made exclusively of toothpicks and glue. Last year the winning design held 153 lbs.


Isabel wanted a different bed...  I gave her some graph paper, a tape measure and told her to show me what she wanted.  Today she put blade to wood (she really did make most of the cuts) and with a couple more Saturdays of work, she'll have a a custom bed of her own design.  While not really an upgrade from THIS, I'm sure the dogs are gonna love this one.


Over 70 inches so far this year...

happy new year

another year in pictures...

gingerbread housing project

Isabel spent the weekend doing some community housing work.

no replacement

Clarke would of been 10 today... While Ozzy's no replacement, I think Clarke would approve.


Duluth East Harvest Ball


An endless snowstorm made for white knuckles, hard miles, and closed roads.  Gusty winds had wildlife hunkered down, and hard to find. Despite the epic weather, Sparky and I managed some fun, a few photos, and lotsa memories.


someone wasn't happy - not sayin' who ;-)