no Coco

but Isabel's catchin' on quick.


I found my shoes!

10 mile

Another stellar weekend with Jibby (Jeremy & Sibby) at the 10 mile cottage.

(Jeremy and Sibby pictured)


Live music from a canoe on the the greatest lake.  Only in Duluth.  Glensheen Pier with 4on the Floor.


Isabel got her smile back today!

black dog

white couch ?


Isabel's been caring for the neighbor's baby butterflies, and ToDaY was the big day.  The video spans 30 min in real time, with the second half sped up 40x.


With the best backpacking buddies you could ask for, we shared 5 days hiking the Olympic coast. As a family trip I think we'd all say it takes the gold, but it required an equally impressive effort to navigate. Heavy packs, soft sand, endless boulder fields and surprisingly scare fresh water made for sore muscles, but the scenery and solitude left all souls smiling and asking for more.  An Olympic level adventure it was.

music: John Butler "Ocean"

happy birthday

Isabel was up late last night...

Happy Birthday to me?

season finale

It's Isabel's season finale of middle school today, and already she looking a bit like her next role... a cute and clever high schooler.


feels like summer ☀️

memorial day

Didn't think the fireplace would be part of our Memorial Day, but 42° and 30 mph winds make it feel pretty nice.


umm.... WoW.

bus stop blues

Cold , grey and a few snowflakes for April's end.


Grace's friend Madi joined us for an epic adventure exploring the valleys and vistas of southern Utah.

happy birthday 2.0

grandma Louise's day today

Happy Birthday!


Nearly everyone loves Ozzy. He's just 9 weeks old, but for a puppy seems a nice balance of snuggle and spunk.  On the other hand, Samson just wants his bed back.

2019 crossfit open

The workout:

Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:
19 wall-ball shots
19-cal. row

Click here to see rules/example video.

alberta clipper

or in this case, an Isabel Clipper


Little girl up the street left this in our mailbox today... it would seem that in one way or another,  we all miss Clarke.