state bound

There was lots of hard work and dedication on display today. While not her best meet, Grace's  season was successful enough to be invited to the state gymnastics meet in a couple of weeks.

50 back

In the last meet of the season, Isabel sets up for what turned out to be a PR in the 50 back.


Swimming the 50 free, 50 back, 50 fly and in a 400m relay, Isabel is one tired, and hungry girl tonight.



eyes are a window...

into the soul, and I see fire.  Oh the places she'll go.


Tried to get a nice photo of Isabel in our new snow... but a big black dog pulled a bigly photo bomb.


Grace building speed for her vault at the meet in St. Cloud last night.


Don't remember what happened on this play, but it looks like she's having fun.


Inspired by the wet snow, I decided to build something today... It took three flashes, two light stands, a couple of cooperative kids, a tripod, and some heavy Photoshop work to stitch together 29 different photos.

happy birthday Angela! (take 2)

Sending Birthday Love from Minnesota!



Grace is painting her room this weekend, and other than helping with some disassembly, It's been a largely a DIY project.  DIY being very different than the typical DID (do it Dad) project.


Mid 30's today.


Isabel will be participating in the National Federation of Music Clubs "festival" tomorrow.  She'll play two pieces of music for a panel of judges, and with a little luck,  she'll earn another "superior" rating.

Good Luck Isabel!


In her first ever swim meet, Isabel led off the 200 medley relay with the backstroke, and later in the night the 100m free.  (that's her in lane 8).


Taking 1st place on beam with a 9.5/10,  1st on bars and second on vault and the all around, Grace had a very. very good day.


Spent the day in St. Paul at Concordia for the Winter Challenge Gymnastics meet. The challenge here however is figuring which one is Grace....

trick question - they're all Grace



gopher invite

Other than the recent mini meet, the Gopher Invite at the National Sports Center in Blaine was Grace's first meet is almost two years.  She had a solid meet thanks to a cheering section which included an auntie, an uncle, cousins Ben & Joe, Grandma, Grandpa and even my auntie Lois.  Thanks for coming everyone!


The Gymnastics Academy just hired a new coach!  Her name is Grace, and she'll be training the minds and muscles of tomorrow's competitive gymnasts.  Congratulation's on your first job!

seriously ~ can't believe I just wrote that :-|


Isabel trying to hide from a wicked -32°F windchill.

happy birthday

Happy 14th Birthday Grace!


No matter what I was watching, I think this would give me a headache...


Grace got an early Christmas present. She got her smile back.

why wouldn't

Why wouldn't you wear reindeer antlers to school... It's almost Christmas ya know.


crafting some custom cards

stress ball

Grace was working on some homework when she called for the voice activated stress ball of fur.   They're scientifically proven to lower stress levels and fill vacuum cleaner bags.