MEA rocks
We kicked off MEA weekend just north of Two Harbors by climbing Silver Cliff. Isabel's friend Claire turned out to be the billy-goat of the bunch, but everyone seemed to enjoy being out. Weather was largely cooperative, but a few passing showers had the girls running for cover. Grace gets photo credits for the two climbing photos :-)
math homework
True story. Isabel's playing Pizza Math, an app for the iPad that puts you in charge of a pizzeria. Figuring out pricing, which vendors have the best prices on supplies and
quickly calculating sales is all part of the game. It's entertaining enough that getting Isabel to play requires fewer than three reminders... And yes, the girls decorated for Halloween already :-)
princess Ange"Leia"
Thanks to Luke, Han and Chewie, Angela escaped the Imperial Army just in time for Sci-fi day and East High School's homecoming week.
swimming the BWCA
A long paddle, and soggy nights made for adventure, but perfect days, stunning scenery and the near absence of bugs made for lots of BWCA fun.
A busy weekend it was... Thursday night Angela, our foreign exchange student from Majorca, Spain arrived.
Jet lagged and far from unpacked, Angela joined us the very next day for a rather gray, cold and rainy cabin weekend. Despite the weather we braved the waves for some paddle boarding, played games, and giggled with little cousin Piper. Not the weather we wanted, but Angela seems to be just what we hoped for.
ps. Angela is the paddle boarding yogi
festival cup
This past winter Isabel participated in the National Federation of Music Clubs Festival for the third time. It's a non-competitive event where musicians perform 2-3 pieces and are evaluated by a number of judges. Students earning a "superior" rating
in three consecutive years are awarded a Festival Cup. For a variety of reasons Isabel's arrived just the other week. So to celebrate Isabel's cup, and Dad's new video capable camera, we made a music video!
Wandered about the Minnesota zoo on Sunday... Saw lions, tigers and Isabel snuggled Poo Bear. Afterwards we walked over to the Weesner Family Amphitheater and saw the John Butler Trio where we got Tigger's bounce back.
photo bomb
Canadian wildfires left an odd haze in the sky behind the girls and Jack's Beckham worthy catch.
piano camp ~ update
It's the last day of piano camp, and Isabel tells me that they'll be doing a 5 student piano ensemble. Sounds fun.
update: Isabel's piano teacher Emily thoughtfully placed a link to a video of the ensemble in the comments below. Also, here's a link to Emily playing a fun piece called "All of Me" by Jon Schmidt.
school's out!
A week of field trips, movies, and field days rounds out what was an otherwise educational school year.